20 August 2007

the summer is coming to a close...

Hello All,

The summer is coming to a close, that reality hit me last night as I was packing. I realized it was my last "night" of the summer since I stay in Paris tonight and then travel home, and when I get home life starts again since I start classes in 6 days. Its so sureal to me that I actually got to experience everything I did this summer and really did three months just pass?? It is real, I know that but the reality hasn't fully set in. It was really amazing, what I got to experience and I'm so thankful for every moment. I leave Athens in 7 hours and then I sleep in Paris tonight and then I arrive home after stopping in Atlanta, at about 10pm on a Delta/Air France flight (if anyone wants to come see me :)). Alright, thats it, I'll write more about my summer experience as soon as I get a chance. Thanks!



Anonymous said...

Good Morning,
What a wonderful summer it has been for us too, as a member of your family. We have enjoyed your "Heather in Romania", messages. I am looking forward to hearing more when you arrive home.
Minnesota is green again, after the wonderful rains. Happy Landing, We love you, Grandma Elsie.

Mary said...

Wow! All that you have seen and done! It is amazing!!( No pun intended....amazing Grace)
What a fortunate young lady you are to be able to travel and see all that you have gotten to! You are also very brave for doing all that you did! I'm sure the experiences will last forever! Have a safe trip home.... Love ya, Mary